2024 College Free Speech Rankings

For the fourth year in a row, the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) commissioned College Pulse to conduct the largest-ever survey about free speech on college campuses. This is a first-of-its-kind tool to help high school students and their parents identify which colleges promote and protect the free exchange of ideas. We now present the 2024 College Free Speech Rankings.

Prospective students have found it incredibly helpful to see what a large number of current students reported about the actual campus climate for open discussion and inquiry, allowing for comparisons between colleges. The rankings also help colleges and universities better understand their campus climate in order to improve it.

The 2024 College Free Speech Rankings is a comprehensive comparison of the student experience of free speech on their campuses. These rankings are based on the voices of over 55,000 students currently enrolled in degree programs at more than 250 colleges and are designed to help parents and prospective students choose the right college.

Here’s what our research covers: 

  • Administrative support of free speech
  • Students’ self-censorship on campus
  • Which issues students find difficult to discuss openly

To gain access to more insights, download the free report.